Puasa tak harini?
Actually, I'm so thrill today because of this anticipated collaboration between 15 independents filmmakers in a way they express their thoughts about Malaysia. It come fresh, non typical story method, witty plot yet brilliant ideas of combination between all of the storytellers as well as a few well known public figures. You can see for yourself. 15 directors include Yasmin Ahmad, Ho Yuhang, Amir Muhammad, Nam Ron, James Lee, Khairil Bahar, Linus Chung, Desmond Ng, Kamal Sabran, Tan Chui Mui, Woo Ming Jin, Benjy & Bahir, Johan John, Suleiman Brothers and Liew Seng Tat.
Currently, I already watched Chocolate by Yasmin Ahmad (feat. Syarifah Amani and Howard Hon Kahoe), Potong Saga by Ho Yuhang (feat Namwee) and The Tree by Amir Muhammad (feat Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat). All three really worth watch and guys.., its free loh!

Indera:--)I just wanna try 38Malaysia short movie making. What subject in Malaysia do you think is simple but easily to remember? Tweet
slmt berpose..
mcm mnarik jek..
nnt aku nk tgok gak la..
slmat berpuasa...
salam ramadhan:)
jom terawih yuk!
bEEdLE d' bARd --)Camat pose bard!. tengok jangan tak tengok!
kabussenja --)selamat berpuasa juga!
miEz haNeM --)bereh!jum2!
ak suka tgk cite yg "potong saga" tu.
lawak giler..hahaha
lyn ooo. tgk ni films suma..pecah prut...
bananasplit--)setuju sangat.muka namewee tuh klaka tol!
silbi abigail --)a'a.besh2!.dah tgk "house".sedih gak laa
orait.. tq.. lyn je sama2 15msia..
We're giving away a MacBook pro! Add us on Facebook fans or follow us on Twitter to find out how!
silbi abigail --)ye beresh!!sama2 kita tengok sampai habis!
Ruumz --)thanks for dropping by! love these collaborations so much!
citer "potong saga" ngan "halal" tu best giler...mmg bernas la idea diorng wat 15Malaysia nie...
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